Monday, October 11, 2010

The Crucible

Going into the Crucible, I thought it was just going to be a random story about the Salem witch trials.  Girl does something bad, town blames her for being a witch, she goes through dumb tests, fails, and they hang her.  Story told.  But in the Crucible it goes into detail about one specific story.  I found it very interesting that everyone was so quick to blame one another for being bewitched.  Just because someone was dancing it made her a witch?  There are so many signs that these people probably should have seen going through this.  Who came up with these 'witch tests'?  How do you determine that someone is bewitched?  Anyway, it was even weirder that since Betty was passed out through most of act one, no one suspected her at all.  Even when she mysteriously woke up and joined right in on the conversation.  In class we talked about how she faked fainting so she wouldn't be accused.  Couldn't more people have just pretended to faint to save themselves?  Anyway, in act one everyone found it so easy to blame other people and get defensive about their side of the story.  I think whoever started calling people witches just did it to start some drama and see how many people would take him/her seriously.  Obviously, they got what they were looking for. 

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