Sunday, January 30, 2011

transcendental writers

I prefer the transcendental writers.  I like them more because they focus more on nature and they seem to be more positive.  The anti-transcendental writers, on the other hand, may be more realistic, but the transcendental writers are more uplifting.  When I read something, or think about something, I would prefer to know that the truth can be found and there are answers, rather than giving up becuase "the truth cannot be found."  The anti-transcendental writers are more negative because they say that people and nature aren't always good and that the truth can't always be found.  Sometimes it's just better to think that people and nature are good, and the truth can be found.  The transcendental writers also write from personal experience or include their feelings.  Most of their writings include deep thought and even advice.  Transcendental is more about everything agreeing with each other and getting along.  There are always solutions and answers to problems.  It is also a lot calmer.  These are all reasons why I highly prefer the transcendental writers to the anti-transcendental writers.

1 comment:

  1. Uplifting is a good word for them. I agree that they are more pleasant to read. It's nice to think the way they do.
