Sunday, September 19, 2010


This is a picture of Walt Disney's version of Pocahontas.  In the Disney movie, Pocahontas is a beautiful young woman who meets John Smith and falls in love with him.  Her father sees that they are in love and accepts John Smith.  Then in the end, they all live happily ever after.  The real Pocahontas, on the other hand, was a young girl.  She was barely a teenager.  Her father and the others want to kill John Smith, but Pocahontas convinces him not to.  Her father ends up adopting him, and later John Smith and Pocahontas develop a relationship.  Some parts of the Disney movie have facts behind them, but most of it is fiction and just a kids movie.  I love the Disney version of Pocahontas, and i want to believe that they all lived happily ever after...but they didn't.  I am still going to go with the Disney version. [=

1 comment:

  1. History is real life; Disney is fantasy. Each is good as long as you know which is which.
