Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stories of the quest for civil rights

This article can definately relate to things from King's speeches and Malcom X's opinions.  It is about little movements and attemps that people made before.  Many people tried getting away with sitting in White seats on busses, but Rosa Parks was the one who made a movement out of it and got publicity and credit for it.  Many people wrote letters and gave speeches before King and X did.  King and X just grabbed a bigger audience and got more publicity for it.  I think a lot of people just think that these three people were the whole movement.  They were the only ones who stood up and fought.  These three may have gotten more credit than others but they were certainly not the only ones.  There were thousands of others who were doing the same things. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A walk through Harlem

It was really interesting to see Harlem in Sadie and Bessie's time.  When I read "Having Our Say" I could kind of picture certain things, like the shops and stores around their home and the dentist office.  It was really cool to see an actual remake of it.  One of the things I remember particularly were all of the churches.  I remember Bessie and Sadie saying that there were a few churches but I did not realized how many there really were and how close together they all were.

expressions in art

  I think this picture can represent Bessie and Sadie fighting the rebby boys.  The men in the picture are fighting them, but the white men are fighting back. It doesn't show what the white men did to cause this but even something little could have caused an outburst.  The rebby boys were constantly doing little things just to show Saadie and Bessie that they didn't belong.  It is cruel and completly unfair.  The men in this picture and Sadie and Bessie all got treated harshly because of their skin color.  They were discriminated and abused.  It is not fair at all.  Sadie and Bessie overcame the rebby boys by proving them wrong and never giving up.  The men in this picture look like they may have successfully killed some of the white men and their owners.